Your Design Career: The Right Education to Put You on the Right Path

Do you have dreams of becoming a designer, but feel intimidated to change your career? However, a choice must be made when stuck in an unsatisfying job between wanting to work in a creative environment or continue the current path. Knowing where to learn in a broad and continuously growing field such as design is vital when making this exciting life decision.

It may put you at ease a bit to know that you’re not alone. In a study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it was concluded that the average worker in their 20’s goes through a career change twice. This is usually initiated by a need to follow their passion and find a truly satisfying career and work-life balance. Thankfully, in today’s times becoming a designer in any discipline is now more accessible than ever because of the numerous educational resources available.

With numerous avenues to educate yourself, what is the right way to learn for you? Whether you’re a 10th/12th pass student or already a career professional for 40 years and are looking for a major change, the right education exists! Educators in the industry claim expert-based small group focused learning is proven to be more impactful than learning by yourself and has been practiced for thousands of years.

Raffles Mumbai
traditional college vs online learning

To keep your mind clear on your goal, here are a few guidelines we recommend you follow according to your learning goals.

  • What is your learning method preference? Do you learn effectively in a group classroom or on your own?
  • Do you like to be surrounded by peers and educators?
  • Are you a visual, experiential, or auditory learner?
  • Are there any budgetary or time constraints in your plan?
  • Are you a quick learner?

With these parameters in mind, you will now have a better idea of what learning program is best for you.

What is Your Learning Preference?

Two strategies to explore for a student who prefers to be in a real classroom would be traditional design colleges or a dedicated crash course.

Traditional Design Colleges

With the appropriate budget and time, going for a full-fledged degree in at a recognized design school is the best way to get into the field. You will gain a formal education in both theory and practical aspects, while surrounded by like-minded creative classmates and faculty who have decades of experience in several industries.


  • Gain fundamental design knowledge
  • A creative and innovative environment that encourages out of the box ideas
  • Updated Curriculum and Practices
  • Network with industry professionals


  • Takes years to get a certification or degree
  • Can be costly
  • Focused on the designated design profile

For students who:

  • need structure in their education;
  • thrive in competing with others;
  • can afford it;
  • don’t need to work for a couple of years

Dedicated Crash Course

For a quick change in careers, an personalized and dedicated crash course in design might the right way for you. It tends to be a fast – track approach to a design career.


  • Focused on providing career opportunities
  • Real world experiences given as exercises
  • Doesn’t require a lot of your time
  • Curriculum is built around the current job market


  • Can be costly
  • Tedious in teaching the fundamentals

For students who:

  • have the freedom to quit their jobs;
  • like focused group learning;
  • is into the tech industry, as this method works best for such disciplines;
  • like a face-paced environment.


Online Learning

For most working professional, it just may not be feasible to dedicate vast amounts of times or funds to their learning investment. Options such as online courses may be their best bet in this case. You do still get a structured curriculum built for those who are trying for a career in the design field through these alternatives.

Short Online Courses

A structured curriculum which allows you to fast track your learning in the comfort of your own home.


  • Like in-person bootcamps, online bootcamps offer extensive job placement opportunities.
  • They’re fast. Also like in-person bootcamps, online bootcamps pack years of education into a few short months.
  • They’re flexible. Online bootcamps generally let you take lessons at your own pace. Some lessons are taught live, and others are prerecorded videos, allowing you to work around the other responsibilities in your life.


  • Can be Costly
  • Inflexible Curriculum
  • Not a personalized approach

For students who:

  • have a desire to study design, but no time;
  • is comfortable learning on their own;
  • is able to cope with a fast learning environment.

Full-time Online Courses

You may have the time to complete a full course, but no freedom to quit your job. A full-time online course tends to be your best option then.


  • They’re affordable!
  • Freedom to work at your own time
  • Flexible course picking


  • Not mentor learning based
  • Have to keep yourself motivated on your own
  • Limited job opportunities

For students who:

  • like the freedom given by learning on your own;
  • need to work and study together;
  • have to stick to a budget.


The right path to your education relies on the budgetary, financial, and long-term goal parameters you set for yourself. Once you have a clear idea of your constraints, you will have a clear idea of your path.

Regardless of the chosen learning portal, with the right dedication and commitment to learning continuously, there are high chances you will find your Success by Design.