May 2017


The use of print and digital media to create visual representations for newspapers, magazine, advertising and other purposes, all fall under the umbrella of Graphic Design. It is field with trains and prepares students for a lot of career paths. To be able to succeed in this field, it is necessary that you pursue it...
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The youth now-a-days the youth have started pursuing their passions instead of deciding to get a degree and then apply for conventional jobs. This is opening up opportunities for them to explore the creative courses including graphic designing, fashion designing, interior designing to name a few. Fashion designing is one such field which allows you...
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The new evolution in latest technologies in computers, software and automation has led industries to go a step ahead and provide the best output for their clients. The emergence of new tools in software development has made the tasks easier and faster. Similar is the case with Animation in multimedia. There are so many fields...
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Interior Designing is a vast field of art that has involvement of architecture and design for different places like homes, offices, restaurants and retail. Interior designing has come a long way and the main factor influencing its growth is the modern lifestyles of the people and disposal incomes to lavishly furnish the homes. Interior Designing...
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