

Where are we now? As education has moved online, it is naive to think that the nature of lessons being taught has not been impacted by the shift. The design studio has always been a space that allowed for experimentation and exploration to facilitate learning that goes well beyond a lesson plan. There is an...
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A logo is like the first impression of a business. It’s is more than that. It’s a way to introduce yourself to the customer. The world’s most iconic and famous brands understand this. What makes a memorable logo design? Successful logos are instantly recognizable, reflect a brand’s identity and are unique from other brand logos. They...
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Even in times of a pandemic, creative ideas continue to emerge. For example, the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein suggests that space is dynamic and gravity is had the ability to bend light. This theory was proved during the solar eclipse of 1919, during one of the worst pandemics in history looming over humanity....
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As a keen science fiction and speculative design enthusiast, the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offers thrilling opportunities to imagine future transcending limits of technology and feasibility. However, we are still far away from an emotionally responsive AI i.e., machine consciousness, á la Terminator or the android on Lt. Co. Data...
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While there is a large consensus that fashion is linked to the pursuit of beauty in appearance, there are clear distinctions in the approaches to beauty. Beauty can be the mental conclusion of a pleasing difference or a distinct quality or a knowledgeable grasp of something; and as such, will be an aesthetic action. However,...
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Having visited my fair share of universities and courses, I can safely say that the choice to come and study here in Raffles Design International’s Interior Design course was by far my greatest decision. The locality, campus, facilities, course, and extra activities available on campus are great, with plenty of opportunities to expand your skillset...
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Here’s how to create a unique design portfolio to win you that dream job. Whether physical or online, your design portfolio is like your calling card. It will often be the basis on which a company picks you over other candidates, and there’s nothing more vital to your career than presenting your best creative work in an attractive, professional,...
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Communicating through visual modes to promote a particular message or feeling is known as Visual Communications. It heavily depends on the vision of the audience and how they subjectively perceive the 2 or 3-dimensional images. This perception of the viewer can be manipulated using typography, colors, shapes, and the layout of the creative piece. As...
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Do you have dreams of becoming a designer, but feel intimidated to change your career? However, a choice must be made when stuck in an unsatisfying job between wanting to work in a creative environment or continue the current path. Knowing where to learn in a broad and continuously growing field such as design is...
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Here are some helpful tips to help you deal with the overwhelming stress which the exams period brings. Remember to Breath Practice breathing techniques which can help calm the mind and body by slowing down your heart rate, drop your blood pressure, and relaxing your muscles. Take deep slow breaths and hold them for 5...
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